
Kamis, 05 Juli 2007

Firebird 2.0 is Out, what about me?

On 13 November 2006 Firebird 2.0 is launch on the opening of Firebird Conference. I already download it, but I'm still using version 1.5.3 for my real application and just try version 2.0 in my research computer. Why? because I still wait for the version 2.1 =) As you know usually the early version still have a bug or the feature that is not yet complete. But if you are a new Firebird user then you must download this 2.0 and evaluate it. I still wait for the roadmap of the Firebird development that usually out after the Firebird conference to see what feature that I neeed most for my current project. It's happy to see that this community so active

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