
Rabu, 23 Januari 2008

New Little Feature in Zeos

Hi, there are 2 new methods on TZConnection component, they are:

function ExecuteDirect(SQL : String) : boolean;
function ExecuteDirect(SQL:string; var RowsAffected:integer):boolean;

That methods are to execute SQL DDL statement directly without need of TZQuery.
You can try and test this new feature in the Zeos testing Rev337. If the method not act correctly, you can tell us in the forum.

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Zeos trunk terbaru sudah bisa dukung firebird 2.1 lom?

Cipto KH mengatakan...

Belom mencoba, bisakah anda juga mencobanya? Saya masih belum mendownload FB 2.1 hari ini sudah di-release lho